"Mindsets" is a blog series featuring short posts that showcase interesting people, research, and innovation associated with the E-lab.
The name "Mindsets" reflects a key concept: entrepreneurship should be understood not just as a specific activity, but as a mindset. These mindsets shape how we perceive the world and approach challenges.
“Mindsets” aim to capture the energy and depth of the thrilling environment that E-lab is creating—one that brings together individuals from various fields and fosters collaboration between academia and industry.
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How To Evolve a Venture: A Brief Introduction to Pivoting
Knowing when and how to pivot is a critical decision for any entrepreneur. Research has shown that ventures that don’t adapt their business model, as they develop, die. Pivoting is essential for entrepreneurs to navigate uncertainty and ensure success. The process sounds straightforward: you have an idea, you go out and try it, and if you succeed, you keep going; if you fail, you pivot. In practice, things are far murkier – when should you pivot? When have you failed “enough”?
Reflecting on Poetry and Entrepreneurship
On the face of it, poetry and entrepreneurship make for odd bedfellows, but traditional perceptions were challenged by the presentation on ‘Xu Zhimo - poetic innovator’ at the King’s E-Lab on 22 February, when the award-winning translator and King’s alumnus Stuart Lyons gave a slide presentation and poetry reading to an audience of 150 at the college’s Keynes Lecture Theatre. The message, underlined by the Provost Dr Gillian Tett OBE in her introduction, was that entrepreneurial thinking is not just the preserve of the hard disciplines of maths, science, economics and engineering.
Religion and Enterprise
On the 15th of February 2023, Malcolm McKenzie gave an address at a special Evensong, sung by the King’s Voices and hosted by the Dean of King's College, Cambridge. The address, ‘Religion and Enterprise’, explores what the Entrepreneur can learn from Religion and what the Religious can learn from Enterprise. Touching on these valuable lessons, it reflects on ethical issues for entrepreneurs.
Transforming Ideas into Impact: My 3-Day Journey in Social Entrepreneurship
Social entrepreneurship is more than a career choice; it's a commitment to using business as a force for good. The journey is complex, demanding, but ultimately rewarding, offering the chance to leave a lasting impact on the world. Every one of us has the potential to make a difference. It's about taking that first step, fuelled by passion and armed with the right tools and knowledge yet ready to adapt and learn from failures to create a lasting change.
Reflections on the Social Residential Programme
The Social Venture Residential was all about using business smarts to solve real-world problems. It opened my eyes to the potential to create a sustainable cycle of empowerment and health, all through a simple, yet innovative business model and it allowed me to develop my idea for tackling period poverty. For me, it’s more than just a business idea now; it's a mission.
In Conversation with Adam Swersky (Social Finance) on How to Design, Fund and Scale Better Solutions to Challenging Social Problems
On 25th January 2024, the E-Lab welcomed Adam Swerksy of Social Finance to a fireside chat at King’s College to discuss how to Design, Fund and Scale Better Solutions to Challenging Social Problems. In conversation with Mansa Shroff, Adam addressed some of the key challenges that those interested in impact investing must consider and talked through how some of his experiences brought him to where he is today.
Reflections on the 2023 E-Lab Residential Week
I decided to participate in the E-lab because I’ve always been passionate about entrepreneurship. Since elementary school, I have sold rainbow loom bracelets or Taylor Swift merch, and always looked for different ways to start businesses. It turned out to be the perfect opportunity to learn about the fundamentals of business, strengthen the foundation I had already established and engage with a wide variety of passionate students, many of whom I now consider friends.
IP and AI, Two Incompatible Acronyms?
A common interest for aspiring entrepreneurs interested in tech-oriented start-ups is how to weave AI into business design. A part of this revolves around securing Intellectual Property (IP) in order to reap the lucrative rewards of a temporary monopoly on a particular idea. However, the nuances of IP are hard to align with the messy realities of software development. This disconnect is amplified in the context of artificial intelligence. Is it possible that these two formidable acronyms are, practically speaking, incompatible? And does it even matter that it’s hard for AI-based start-ups to weave the protective cloak of intellectual property around their creations?
Sound, Order and Survival in Prison… and Beyond
Sound, Order and Survival in Prison: The rhythms and routines of HMP Midtown” tells the story of a year spent at a local men’s prison interrogating the soundscape and its meaning for the prison social world. Sound, she argues, tells us different things about life, order and power in prisons. After launching her book on the 1st of February 2024, Kate reflects on the space provided by the E-Lab and the value of collaboration.
An Entrepreneurial Mindset for Teachers
Entrepreneurship starts from seeing an opportunity that is not currently available to you because you do not ‘control’ sufficient resources. An entrepreneurial headteacher is one who works out how to get additional resources to achieve, for their pupils and families, more than is normally possible.
Social Media for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
If you want to get to people, you’ve got to get onto their screens. But businesses haven’t yet recognised that social media can be more than just a tool to top-up in-person causes. Real, fundamental change can be made through social entrepreneurship online – without ever leaving the screen.
Introducing the E-Lab Blog: Mindsets
The theme of ‘entrepreneurship’ has the potential to inspire people working in different fields on innovative ideas. Mindsets hopes to provide a space to share a brief glimpse into the range of interesting individuals brought together by the Kings College Entrepreneurship Lab.
How can I submit a piece?
Submissions for the "Mindsets" blog series can be made as follows:
Send short posts (approximately 800 words) to seh220@cam.ac.uk
Content should relate to entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial mindset, though the brief is flexible. The organizers especially welcome critical perspectives that raise questions and prompt responses, as well as thought-provoking reflections and innovative ideas.
When submitting, please specify a category that best fits your piece:
Entrepreneurship advice,
Reflections on E-lab events and activities,
Opinion pieces on entrepreneurship and its societal impact,
Research by E-lab community members.
Looking forward to reading your piece,